The city was ruled by many civilizations and empires through out the history such as, Hittites, Phrygia, Persians, Alexander The Great, Roman,
Selevkes, Byzantines, Seljuks (Seljukians), Candaroglu and Ottoman Empire therefore it's has been the base structure Orthodox Christianity and especially with the affect of Turk - Islamic Culture. The city is also the birth place of the 3. century great philosopher Diogenes (Diogones of Sinope).
Bahceler Location, Hamsilos Village, Karakum, Akliman, Sarikum and Mobil Korucuk Villages are only some of the places with rich nature beauties that affect the improvement of coastal tourism of Sinop.
Forest camping, Yuvam Camp, and Bahceler Location provides the camping and coast tourism at the same time because of their special location where the sea meets forest and green natural mountains. While having chance to have scuba diving in Incesu and Hamsilos Bay, it is also possible to have wind surfing and yachting in the city that is surrounded by sea on 3 sides.
Duragan Lake, Bektesaga Lake, the brooks and the little lakes within Cangal Forest, Ayancik - Akgol, brooks in Erfelek, Altinkaya Dam Lake and Gokirmak River are some of the places available for sports angling and fishing.
The locations inside of the forests in Akliman, Abali, Sarikum and Hamsilos are some of the available places and racecourses for horse riding.
Places to visit in Sinop
Sinop Museum: The pieces from prehistoric age to Ottoman Empire Age are being displayed in 2 floor museum and in the garden of the building.
Ethnography Museum (Aslan Torunlar House): The pavilion founded in 18. century is one of the best examples of Ottoman Civil Architecture. The first floor of this building is open for displaying ethnographic pieces and the second floor is open as a pavilion to be visited.
Boyabat Rock Tombs were constructed roughly 200 meters high by carving limestone.
Castle of Sinop: It is being considered that the structure was constructed by the immigrants came from Miletus in VIII. century B.C. The city was an important center of Pontus Kingdom after being under the domination of Persians and the city walls of the castles were repaired during the time.
Ickale (Seljuk Age) and Boyabat Castle (from Ottoman Empire Age) are some of the other castles of the area to give a visit.
Emplacement of Pasa: The constructions were built as a half moon shape during the Ottoman - Russian Battles to prevent the enemy attacks from sea.
Historical prison museum: The structure was constructed by Seljuk Emperor Izzeddin Keykavus in 1214. The structure was being used as a jail and prison since 1887.
Historic raceway is belong to Antique Age and is located around Suluklu Lake.
Alaaddin Mosque is a construction of Seljuk Empire Age and is one of the best examples of First Turkish Mosque Styles.
Kefevi Mosque was constructed by Seyh Mahmut Kefevi and it was restored in 1896.
Saray Mosque was built by Candaroglu in 1374.
Mehmed Aga Mosque was established in 1648 and a minaret (mosque tower) was added to construction in 1910.
Cezayirli Ali Pasa Mosque is belong to Seljuk Empire Age and had been restored twice in 1876 and 1898.
Meydan Kapi Mosque has one of the best minarets (tower attached to mosque) of Sniop with it's wooden made minaret.
Madrasah of Suleyman Pervane was established in 1262. It has a splendid gate with it's one of the best stone embroidery on the door. It is being used as a bazaar (market) in present.
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